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Organize Files, Validate Import, and Extract to FastQ Format


At this point, we will put all of the files imported from the SRA into a single location. We will verify the integrity of the files and then extract and convert them from the SRA format into the FastQ format.

Input Data:

Input Description Example
SRA files (SRR9666131.sra, SRR9666132.sra ...) These are sequence data in the SRA format SRA files

Organize Files

  1. In the Discovey Environment click on the Data icon and navigate to your rna-seq-tutorial folder.
  2. Click on the Folder button create a new folder: imported_sra.
  3. Navigate to the output of the sra-tools prefetch analysis completed in the previous step. You can go the Analyses section of the Discovery Environment and click the folder icon next to the analyses name to navigate to this output.
  4. Select (checkbox) all 12 of the SRA folders (e.g., SRR9666131, SRR9666132, ...) and the folder of logs from this analysis; click the More Actions button and choose Move. Browse to the imported_sra folder created inside your tutorial folder (rna-seq-tutorial). Click Move to complete this action. It may take a few minutes to complete this move. You may need to refresh your browser to see changes.

Validate SRA Files

  1. Before extracting these files, we can do a check here to verify the integrity of our import from the SRA. In the Discovery Environment click on the Data icon and navigate to your rna-seq-tutorial tutorial folder and create a folder to store outputs, name the folder sra_validation.
  2. In the Apps view, search for and launch the sra-tools vdb-validate app.
  3. In Analysis Info you can name this analysis and provide any comments (optional). Under Output folder, navigate to the sra_validation folder created earlier. Your outputs will automatically be placed in this folder; click Next.
  4. In Parameters under SRA Files (Input) browse to the imported_sra folder (created in step 2). Open an individual folder (e.g., "SRR966613") and select the ".sra" file to add it; repeat for each of the 12 folders until you have added all 12 '.sra' files (i.e. SRR9666131.sra, SRR9666131.sra...); click Next.
  5. Click Next again to skip Advanced Settings (optional); under Review and Launch click Launch Analysis.
  6. Click on Analyses view to see the current status of the job; you can also click on the Analyses icon to navigate to this section. When the job is complete, you can click on the folder icon next to the analyses name to browse the results. You may need to Refresh to see the current job status. This job is estimated to take about 5-10 minutes.
  7. When the job has status Completed, navigate to the output. The output will be a text file (vdb-validation.txt). This is a report on a series of file checks (including checksums -- an algorithmically generated signature that confirms the file's integrity). A sample output is shown below with 'ok' indications for each test. A similar set of 8 lines should appear in the file for each of the verified SRA files.


Sample Output:

2020-10-06T22:04:41 vdb-validate.2.10.8 info: Database 'SRR9666131.sra' metadata: md5 ok
2020-10-06T22:04:41 vdb-validate.2.10.8 info: Table 'SEQUENCE' metadata: md5 ok
2020-10-06T22:04:41 vdb-validate.2.10.8 info: Column 'ALTREAD': checksums ok
2020-10-06T22:04:42 vdb-validate.2.10.8 info: Column 'QUALITY': checksums ok
2020-10-06T22:04:43 vdb-validate.2.10.8 info: Column 'READ': checksums ok
2020-10-06T22:04:43 vdb-validate.2.10.8 info: Column 'READ_LEN': checksums ok
2020-10-06T22:04:44 vdb-validate.2.10.8 info: Column 'READ_START': checksums ok
2020-10-06T22:04:44 vdb-validate.2.10.8 info: Column 'SPOT_GROUP': checksums ok

Convert SRA Files to FastQ Format

  1. In the Discovery Environment click on the Data icon and navigate to your rna-seq-tutorial folder and create a folder to store outputs, name the folder fastq_files.
  2. In the Apps view, search for and launch the sra-tools fasterq-dump app.
  3. In Analysis Info you can name this analysis and provide any comments (optional). Under Output folder, navigate to the fastq_files folder created earlier. Your outputs will automatically be placed in this folder; click Next.
  4. In Parameters under SRA Files (Input) browse to the imported_sra folder (created in step 3) and open an individual folder (e.g., "SRR966613") and select the '.sra' file to add it; repeat for each of the 12 folders until you have added all 12 '.sra' files (i.e. SRR9666131.sra, SRR9666131.sra...); click Next.
  5. Click Next again to skip Advanced Settings (optional); under Review and Launch click Launch Analysis.
  6. Click on Analyses view to see the current status of the job; you can also click on the Analyses icon to navigate to this section. When the job is complete, you can click on the folder icon next to the analyses name to browse the results. You may need to Refresh to see the current job status. This job is expected to take 30-40 minutes.
  7. When the job has status Completed, navigate to the output. The expected output will be 12 FASTQ formatted files (e.g., SRR9666131.sra.fastq, SRR9666132.sra.fastq...).
  8. Since the SRA files are already maintained on NCBI, you can safely delete the original SRA files. While this deletion is not mandatory, it is a responsible use of public infrastructure to remove large unneeded files. Browse to the rna-seq-tutorial folder and select the imported_sra folder. Click the More Actions button and choose Move to Trash. Clicking your username in the Data view, choose Trash. Select the file you wish to delete and click the Trash button and then select Delete to permanently delete those files.


Output Description Example
FastQ files (e.g. SRR9666131.sra.fastq,SRR9666132.sra.fastq...) Sequencing data in FastQ format [SRA FastQ Files](

Description of output and results

In this section we have validated the imported SRA files and transformed them into the FastQ format, the input for a variety of sequencing-based analyses.

Last update: 2022-11-28