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CyVerse Self-Guided Course

This self-guided course will take you through the basics of using CyVerse USA.

Tutorial Maintainer(s)

Who to contact if this guide needs fixing. You can also email

Maintainer Institution Contact
Michele Cosi University of Arizona
Jeffrey Gillan University of Arizona
Tyson Lee Swetnam University of Arizona

Table of Contents


Downloads, access, and services

In order to complete this tutorial you will need access to the following services

Prerequisite Preparation Notes Link/Download
CyVerse account You will need a CyVerse account to complete this exercise User Portal
VICE Access You must have permission to use Discovery Environment VICE applications; request access on the user portal (under 'Services') Request Access

You will also need software to transfer data into and out of the Data Store. We recommend using Cyberduck for Mac and Windows users, and iCommands or GoCommandsfor Linux users.

Prerequisite Preparation Notes Link/Download
CyberDuck 3rd party software for upload/download to Data Store Download Windows & Mac OS X only
iCommands 3rd party software for upload/download to Data Store Download Linux, Mac OS X
gocommands 3rd party software for upload/download to Data Store Download Linux, Mac OS X


We will use the following CyVerse platform(s):

Platform Interface Link Platform Tour
DS Data Store GUI & CLI Data Store Data Store Guide
DE Discovery Environment GUI DE DE Guide

Application(s) used

Discovery Environment App(s):

App Name Version Description App Link Notes/Other
Muscle 3.8.31 Multiple Sequence Alignment MUSCLE Manual
RStudio Verse Latest Rocker-Project RStudio CyVerse Docker Image

Funding and Citations:

CyVerse is funded by the Arizona Board of Regents the National Science Foundation NSF under Award Numbers:

NSF-0735191 NSF-1265383 NSF-1743442

Please cite CyVerse appropriately when you make use of our resources, see CyVerse citation policy.

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